arrêt de la pilule

How to prepare your body for stopping the pill?

Stopping the pill is often difficult because it causes significant hormonal disruption which impa...
compléments alimentaires cheveux

When to take dietary supplements for your hair?

Discover our advice for starting your hair food supplement treatment according to your needs, and...
comment avoir de beaux ongles

How to have beautiful nails naturally?

How to have beautiful nails? D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS offers you natural solutions for sublime nails
Bien-Être Peau
effets du stress sur la peau

The effects of stress on the skin

Imperfections, dull complexion, redness, itching, wrinkles... stress not only takes a toll on our...
Comment choisir ma cure D-LAB ?

How to choose my D-LAB treatment?

How to choose my D-LAB treatment? Because you are u...
Les compléments alimentaires, est-ce que ça marche ?

Food supplements, do they work?

food supplements, does it work ? Increasingly popu...
troubles du sommeil stress anxiété

Understanding sleep disorders linked to stress and anxiety

D-LAB helps you understand the links between stress, anxiety and sleep disorders and find natural...
rôle du microbiote

Microbiota and Skin: Role and impact of the microbiota on the skin

Microbiota and skin: Understanding the impact of an unbalanced microbiota on the skin and how to ...
bienfaits des probiotiques

What are the benefits of probiotics for the whole body?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that contribute to the health of the body when they are of goo...